Office of the Registrar

Undergraduate Academic Policies


Registering for the First Time
Academic Policies
Graduation Requirements
Grading System
Academic Probation and Suspension
Withdrawing from a Course
Withdrawing from the University
Transferring Credits to New Mexico Tech
Other Policies


注册办公室负责学生注册课程,维护 grades, establishing class schedules, publishing the catalog of classes, assigning classrooms for classes and events, certifying a student for graduation, organizing Commencement, and providing transcripts.

Registrar also verifies that a student is enrolled, determines what courses a student 需要毕业,并维护其他学术信息.


Registering for the First Time 

普通学生可以在banweb上在线注册 You must obtain your "alternate pin" from your advisor registering. 注册说明可在 Registrar’s web page ( 特定的日子被预留出来注册. You may register online through the second Friday of instruction or in person through the third Friday of instruction, 但是您将被收取逾期挂号费. Registration after this period will 取决于每个个案的是非曲直.

Schedules of course offerings, with time and place of meeting and the name of the 指导员负责,可在硬拷贝和在 每学期或暑期班报到前.

如果需求或资源不足,课程可能会从课程列表中删除. Students are encouraged to discuss with their advisors their interest in courses not currently offered.

你必须注册一门课才能上那门课. Students may not "sit in" on 他们没有在365彩票在线过滤注册的课程.


您必须向科技商务办公室(出纳)确认您的财务状况 或学生帐户),然后才能完成注册.

Academic Policies


A student is responsible for all material covered in class; however, it is the decision of the individual instructor whether attendance is mandatory or optional. It is the 学生有责任确定这一点. 疾病或其他需要的情况 extended absence from class work should be reported as promptly as possible to the 学生主任,他将通知学生的导师.

现役军人必须通知学生教务处,并提供适当的 documentation.

Auditing a Class

Students may attend classes as auditors; that is, they may enroll in a course for 没有学分,但必须得到课程指导老师的许可. Auditors pay fees 在相同的基础上,那些谁注册学分.

No student will be allowed to change registration from credit to audit or from audit to credit after the tenth week of a regular semester or the fifth week of the summer session. Students may not change from credit to audit or audit to credit more than once in a class. Auditors receive grades of SA (satisfactory audit) or UA (unsatisfactory audit) as determined by the instructor.

Challenge Exams

Challenge exams are available to students who are able to demonstrate proficiency in the course learning outcomes Students may request an opportunity to receive credit for a course by passing 课程材料的综合测试(挑战测试).   Each department 确定哪些课程有资格参加挑战考试. This information is updated 每年一次,并提供给注册办公室.  There is a challenge examination fee charged.




Correspondence Courses

(注:本页是关于365彩票在线过滤接受通信学分的政策 earned elsewhere. 有关365彩票在线过滤提供的远程教育信息, see Distance Education.)

A student's total registration per semester, including all courses taken in residence and by correspondence, must not exceed 18 credit hours without the advisor's approval. 任何参加函授课程的学生都必须以书面形式报告这一事实 to the Vice President for Academic Affairs before registering for classes and also 在报读函授课程之前必须得到副总统的批准吗 在365彩票在线过滤的一个学期里.

在任何学期进行的函授课程必须记录在学生的成绩单上 program. Approval of enrollment in a correspondence course does not necessarily imply that transfer credit will be allowed. 如果需要转学分,定期评估 procedures must be observed; moreover, a final grade for the course must be reported officially to the Registrar not later than 30 days before the end of the semester during which credit is desired.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)

After completing 30 credit hours, any student in good standing may take up to a total of 18 credit hours on an S/U basis in undergraduate courses not normally graded S/U. 未经学生主修系同意,不得以这种方式上课 以及课程所在的院系. Approval for the S/U grade basis 必须在上课的前十周内拿到吗. Decisions made at that time for either letter grade or S/U grade evaluation may not be subsequently changed. Students 成绩达到S的学生将获得这门课的学分. Students who receive 成绩为U的学生将不能获得该课程的学分.

Special students must have successfully completed 30 or more credit hours to register for courses on an S/U basis (except for courses that are only offered S/U). Transfer credits from other institutions are not included in the 18-hour maximum.

Directed or Independent Study Courses

作为学生满足学位要求的课程声明的一部分, independent study courses (courses number 391 or 491) require the approval of the department chair in the major department, the chair of the department offering the course, and the student's advisor. 学生必须在上课前获得批准 the course.

Equal Opportunity Policy

The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is committed to the policy that all persons shall have access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental handicap or disability, medical condition, or veteran status, as required by 新墨西哥人权法案,1964年民权法案第七章,经修订, Executive Order 11246, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans 《365彩票在线过滤》或其他法律法规的规定. Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to the Director, 平权行动和合规办公室,新墨西哥研究所菲奇大厅二楼 of Mining and Technology, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, New Mexico 87801; telephone (757) 835-5005.

Facility Use by Students

许多新墨西哥技术设施可供学生使用. In order to be eligible, a club or organization must be officially recognized by the Dean of Students and by the Student Senate. 设施仅可用于合法或其他合法用途 purposes, and that use must not in any way hinder the academic mission of Tech. Further 有关教室和其他设施使用的详细信息可在新墨西哥州找到 Tech Student Handbook.


一个普通的本科学生将被认为是良好的信誉,如果学生 维持以下列出的最低学期平均成绩(GPA): 

Total semester hrs attempted (cumulative) 最低学期GPA需要保持良好的信誉
0 - 29 1.6
30 - 59 1.8
60 or more 2.0

“Semester hours attempted” means courses in which a student earn grades of A, A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, C+, C-, D+, D, F, S, U,以及所有的转学学分. "Semester hours attempted" does not include courses in which a student earns grades of I, SA, UA, or WO. Transfer credits are not used in computing the GPA.

A student whose semester GPA falls below the minimum requirements needed for good 站立者将被留校察看.

Graduation Requirements


1. The student must be a regular student.

2. 学生必须申报他或她从哪个目录毕业.

If a student is continuously enrolled (excluding summer sessions), the student may choose the degree requirements to be satisfied from:

A readmitted student must choose degree requirements to be satisfied from:

3. The student must fulfill the specific degree requirements as well as general degree requirements.

4. The student must also complete the courses specified by the major department. Some programs require that the student pass each required class with a grade of "C" or better. 任何学士学位的最低学时为130.

5. New Mexico Tech's Community College classes (designated by the letter "C" in the 课程编号)不能用于满足学士学位的一般学位要求 of Science degree. 然而,这些课程可以用来完成选修学分, 除了电气工程专业的学生.

6. 学生的累积平均绩点必须等于2.0 or greater.

7. 学生必须在理工学院完成至少30个学分.

8. A candidate for a degree, upon registering for the final semester of enrollment, must announce candidacy to the Registrar by filing an "Intent to Graduate" form. At that time, the Registrar must be furnished with a list of all courses the student 希望提交符合学位要求的材料. It is the responsibility of the candidate, in consultation with the chosen major department and the Registrar, 确保所修课程符合毕业要求. The final declaration must be signed by the student's major advisor, who certifies that the courses taken 符合指定学位的要求. Any arrangement involving a departure from the regular requirements for graduation requires the approval of the Faculty Council.

9. All fees and financial obligations to Tech must be paid before a student will be awarded a degree. 所有填写校园退房表的学生都必须 有经济援助办公室的许可吗.

Double Majors 

Whenever a student satisfies the requirements for two majors, the student shall be 授予一个双学位,并在文凭上注明两个专业. 跨学科科学学位和通识学士学位不包括在内 从双专业上市的可能性. 

学生不能在同一学科选修双专业(无论选择或专注).  被认为是同一学科的专业有:计算机科学与信息 Technology; Management and Management of Technology.  A permissible option is to double 主修计算机科学和技术管理.


Second Degrees 

希望获得两个本科学位的学生必须满足所有要求 specified for each individual degree, but also must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours 达到较高学分学位要求以上. (Example: MENG degree requirements is 135 cr. while PHYS degree requirements is 120 cr.  Both degree requirements need 需在高级学位以上再加30个学分. In this example, MENG is the higher credited degree, and the minimum requirements needed to be completed for both degrees would be 165 cr.)可以同时授予,也可以单独授予.  The degree of Bachelor of General Studies is excluded from the possibility of a second degree 列名,未经学术顾问、系主任和学术负责人许可 dean.  一次最多授予2个学位.

Students cannot earn a second baccalaureate degree in the same discipline (regardless 可选的、集中的或学位类型的.g., Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts) as their first baccalaureate degree.  Exceptions may be granted by receiving permission from the student’s academic advisor, department chairperson, and academic dean.  如果授予,这些学位不能同时授予.  For example, a student may not receive a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management and a Bachelor 无论是技术管理还是管理科学.  Similarly, a student 可能不能获得物理学学士学位,而物理学有天文学的选择.  学生可以在与辅修相同的专业中获得第二个学士学位 获得第一个学士学位.


Minors are offered by some departments; for a list see Academic Departments, Degrees, and Fields of Study, please visit our Program Finder. 辅修学分的数量因系而异.

Students may not earn a minor with either the Associate of General Studies or Bachelor of General Studies degree.

大修和小修科目必须选自同一目录. Exceptions may be made by the department on a case-by-case basis.

Terminal Transfer Credits

Terminal transfer credits, credits earned at another college or university in order 在理工学院完成最后学位要求,除非特别注明,否则不允许 by a particular degree program, or when unusual circumstances appear to justify it. In no case will more than 16 credit hours of terminal transfer credits be allowed. A student who anticipates the need for requesting terminal transfer credit should 在实际可行的情况下尽快提交,无论如何不得迟于提交声明的时间 of candidacy for a degree. 请求应向副总统提出 Academic Affairs. 它应载有一份关于情况的说明 学生的判断,合理的要求,并提出具体的方案声明 for obtaining the terminal credits. 如果获得批准,将是一个特定的项目.

Curriculum Changes

教务委员会保留更改课程的权利. Assurance is given to students that proper measures will be employed to avoid hardships that may result from such changes.





毕业典礼在每年的五月初举行. (See the New Mexico Tech Calendar for dates.如果你在8月或12月完成了学位要求, 你可以参加次年五月举行的仪式. Students must complete all 参加毕业典礼的学位要求. The only exception is 对于需要在夏季完成GEOL 4080野外方法的地质学专业学生 immediately following commencement.

Grading System

A grade is reported for each course in which a student has enrolled to indicate the quality of performance in that course. 理工学院采用的评分制度如下:


Grade per credit hour Significance
A 4.0 N/A
A- 3.67 N/A
B+ 3.33 N/A
B 3.0 N/A
B- 2.67 N/A
C+ 2.33 N/A
C 2.0 N/A
C- 1.67 N/A
D+ 1.33 N/A
D 1.0 N/A
F 0.0 N/A
S N/A Satisfactory
U N/A Unsatisfactory
SA N/A Satisfactory Audit
UA N/A Unsatisfactory Audit
IN N/A Incomplete
W N/A Withdrawal
WO N/A Withdrawal without prejudice
NR N/A No Report


The total semester hours in which grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F have been received at this institution divided into the corresponding total grade 所获得的分数是学生的累积平均绩点(GPA)。. Likewise, the 学生在任何时期的平均绩点是用每个年级的学时除以得出的 other than S, U, SA, or UA were received into the total grade points earned during that period. 学生的GPA表明其学术地位.

Results of challenge examinations shall not be included in the student's class load 参加考试的那个学期.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)

After completing 30 credit hours, any student in good standing may take up to a total of 18 credit hours on an S/U basis in undergraduate courses not normally graded S/U. 未经学生主修系同意,不得以这种方式上课 以及课程所在的院系. Approval for the S/U grade basis 必须在上课的前十周内拿到吗. Decisions made at that time for either letter grade or S/U grade evaluation may not be subsequently changed. Students 成绩达到S的学生将获得这门课的学分. Students who receive 成绩为U的学生将不能获得该课程的学分.

Special students must have successfully completed 30 or more credit hours to register for courses on an S/U basis (except for courses that are only offered S/U). Transfer 其他机构的学分不包括在18小时的上限内.

Incomplete (IN)

在超出学生要求的情况下,可以给出不完整分数(IN)来代替成绩 控制已经阻止了完成课程的很大一部分工作 the allotted time.

学生在其他方面的表现必须令人满意. An incomplete 可在有关教员决定的方式及时间内移除; but may not be continued beyond one year from the end of the term in which the IN is awarded. 如果学生未能在该日期前取下身份证,将被扣分 automatic grade of F. 在任何情况下,In都不能成为提款(W).

No Report (NR)

Thesis (numbered 5091), independent study (5090), or dissertation (5095) courses will be graded with an "S" only upon fulfillment of graduate degree requirements. Prior to completion, these courses will be awarded "NR" if performance for that semester 是可接受的还是"U"表示表现不可接受.

No Grade (NG)

No grade was issued by the instructor. 这是一个临时职等,将被取代 by the actual grade when it is reported.

Withdrawal (W)

A student may not withdraw (W) 在秋季第十周后的课堂上 or spring 学期或暑期课程的第五周. A W can only be assigned after consulting with the instructor and completing and submitting the appropriate form to the Office of the Registrar

(How to Change Your Registration.  A student may change his/her program by filing a Change-of-Registration form with the Registrar. 开课后的第三个星期五之后,不得再加课 of classes of a fall or spring semester or the first week of a summer session. During the first three weeks of the semester, a student may drop a class without penalty, 不,课程将出现在永久记录上. After the third week of classes in a fall or spring semester or the first week of a summer session, the student must 提交提款授权表格并支付提款费用. The grade "W" will appear on the student's permanent record. 在秋季第十周后的课堂上 或是春季学期,或是夏季学期的第五周. Changes involving "audit," "S-U," and "GRADE" designations may be made up to the end of the ninth week of the 学期或夏季课程的第五周.).


Change of Grade

The instructor of a course has the responsibility for any grade reported. Once a grade has been reported to the Office of the Registrar, it may be changed only in the case of clerical error. 出具原始成绩的导师必须以书面形式提交 the reasons for the change. 年级的改变也必须得到部门的批准 chair.

Changes in grade must be made within five weeks after the start of the next semester, except for extenuating circumstances.

Grade Appeal Procedure

Students seeking grade changes must speak first with the instructor, next with the department chair, and finally with the vice president for academic affairs. Any questions 可否转介至注册处.

Withdrawal without Prejudice (WO)

在退课的最后期限过后,在“极度”下面 在特殊情况下,学生可以申请退课 prejudice. For example, this may be done in cases of serious illness or death in the student's immediate family. 这允许学生在学期中退学 不影响学生的立场. 这样的请愿书必须以书面形式提出 with supporting documentation (i.e.医生的声明、讣告等.) before the end of the semester to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for review and consideration. 学费和杂费的收费不会因退学而改变.

Privacy of Information

New Mexico Tech adheres to the provisions set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. 365彩票在线过滤学生手册包含 detailed information on this act.

联邦教育隐私权法案:根据联邦法律,你有保留的权利 披露任何或所有类别的“目录信息”." Any future requests for such information from non-Tech persons or organizations will be refused. New Mexico Tech will honor your request to withhold any of the categories, but cannot assume responsibility to contact you for subsequent permission to release them. Tech also assumes no liability for honoring your instructions that such information will be withheld.

要隐瞒任何信息,请到注册主任办公室. For further information, contact the Registrar.


要继续获得联邦和/或州财政援助,学生必须达到最低要求 requirements set in New Mexico Tech's Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP). Be aware that these standards are not the same as New Mexico Tech's standards for Good Standing.

这一满意的学业进步政策适用于参加的本科生 in the following programs:

[Satisfactory Academic Progress for graduate students is different and is defined by the Office of Graduate Studies.]

To be in good standing for Financial Aid purposes, a student must have earned at least 75%的学时,累计GPA为:

If you fall below this standard you will be placed on financial aid probation for the following semester. 在这个学期,你仍然有资格获得 aid. To get back in good standing you will need to meet the policy requirements by the end of the probation semester.

If you do not meet the policy requirements by the end of the probation semester you will be placed on financial aid suspension UNLESS during the most recent semester 如果你在那学期尝试了2个小时,你就能获得100%的学分.25 semester GPA. 在这种情况下,你将被置于有条件的试用期.

在有条件缓刑期间,你仍然有资格获得资助. To continue 在有条件的试用期中,你必须在一个学期内完成100%的学习时间 with a semester GPA of at least 2.25. 如果你不能满足有条件缓刑的要求 要求,你将被暂停经济资助.

To get off of conditional probation you must meet the requirements of the SAP policy. Once a student is on financial aid suspension, he/she is not eligible for any Federal 或国家财政援助,直到达到令人满意的学业进步政策的标准 have been met.

A student has a maximum of 195 attempted credit hours to complete an undergraduate degree. Once a student has reached 195 attempted credit hours, he/she will no longer 有资格获得联邦或州财政援助. 对于攻读第二学士学位的学生 degree, the maximum timeframe is 150% of the number of hours needed to complete the degree. This is determined through a credit evaluation done by the Office of the Registrar. For instance, if the student has 140 credit hours and needs 30 hours to earn a second degree, the student will have financial aid eligibility for a maximum of 45 attempted credit hours.

满意的学术进展是衡量在每学期结束. Summer is considered a separate semester. 如果学生的工作时数或累积GPA下降 below the minimum standard indicated in the policy, he/she will be notified in writing. The student will also be notified if he/she has met the maximum timeframe.

Repeat courses count as attempted hours, but the hours can only be earned once. For example, if a student takes a 3-credit hour course one semester and earns a D, the hours are counted as attempted and earned. If the student later repeats the course, the 3 hours are added to the attempted, but hours earned will not increase because of the repeat. 然而,由于成绩不及格不计入工作时数,学生 repeating a grade of F at a later time and earning a D will have the hours count as 在重修课程时尝试并获得.

Total hours attempted includes grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F, S, U, W, I, SA, UA, NR, NG和所有转学分.

Total hours earned includes grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, S and all transfer credits. 累积绩点计算包括A、A-、B+、B、B-、 C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F.

It is the student's responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office when a grade of I, NR, NG is changed to a grade by the instructor so Satisfactory Academic Progress can be re-evaluated.

[Contact: Financial Aid Office, New Mexico Tech, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, N.M. 87801. 505-835-5333. fax: 505-835-5959]

Academic Probation and Suspension

Academic Regulations 


  1. To prevent the dissipation of the resources and time of students who fail to make 他们在理工学院的学术课程有了合理的进步
  2. 促进理工学院维持高学术水平.

Good Standing

一个普通的本科学生将被认为是良好的信誉,如果学生 维持最低学期平均成绩(GPA)如下所列.


Total semester hrs attempted (cumulative) 最低学期GPA需要保持良好的信誉
0 - 29 1.6
30 - 59 1.8
60 or more  2.0

“Semester hours attempted” means courses in which a student earn grades of A, A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, C+, C-, D+, D, F, S, U,以及所有的转学学分. "Semester hours attempted" does not include courses in which a student earns grades of I, SA, UA, or W. Transfer credits are not used in computing the GPA.

Academic Probation

A student whose semester GPA falls below the minimum requirements needed for good 斯坦丁将在下个学期被留校察看. Students are continued on probation if they withdraw from Tech while on probation.

Academic Suspension

连续第二个学期未达到最低学期绩点的学生 将被停学,除非他们的累积绩点达到2.0 or better. A student on academic suspension is denied the privilege of enrolling at Tech for the specified period of time. 期间在其他院校取得的学分 of suspension at New Mexico Tech will not be accepted for transfer at Tech.

Duration of Suspension

The first suspension from New Mexico Tech will be for one regular semester (fall or spring semester). 第二次及以后的停牌将持续一个日历年.

学生可通过申请重新入学对停学提出上诉. The Academic Standards and Admission Committee will review complete petitions on the Monday of registration.


目前,所有重新入学材料的截止日期与常规入学的截止日期相同 秋季学期8月1日,春季学期1月1日,夏季学期6月1日.

If accepted for readmission, a student on academic probation or suspension will be automatically placed on probation. 未能达到最低GPA要求将被取消 被365彩票在线过滤停学.

Notification of Probation and Suspension

Notification to the student of academic probation or suspension will appear on the 每个评分期结束时学生的成绩报告. Academic probation and suspension 会出现在学生的正式成绩单上吗.

A student who, after conferring with his or her advisor, feels that he or she has been unjustifiably placed on suspension may appeal for a change of status by written 向学术标准及录取委员会递交申请. Petitions must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by registration day, when the Academic Standards and Admission Committee meets.

Withdrawing From A Course

你可以在秋季或春季学期的第十周之前退课 (或夏季课程的第五周). If you withdraw after registration closes (在三周的课程结束时),你的成绩单上会得到一个W的成绩. 要退出一门课程,你必须提交一份 Change of Registration (pdf)表格,索取教务长办公室.

It is important to talk to your instructor and advisor about your progress at midterm to help you make this decision. 另一个选择是改成满意/不满意 (S/U), which will not affect your GPA. (此选项仅适用于学生 谁已成功修满30个或以上学分.)

Withdrawing from the University

Students leaving New Mexico Tech, including those who are graduating or transferring 到另一个机构,必须退学.


If you withdraw during the semester, you must complete the above steps and

If you do not complete these steps, your transcript and/or diploma will be withheld.

在非常特殊的情况下,学生可以不带偏见地申请退学。 如患重病或直系亲属死亡.

Transferring Credits to New Mexico Tech

If you transfer to New Mexico Tech from an accredited college, we will accept most 你获得可转换成绩为“C”或以上的学分.

365彩票在线过滤接受认可的高等教育机构的学分. All credits will be evaluated and transferred on a course-by-course basis. Credit earned at any institution while a student in on academic or disciplinary suspension 365彩票在线过滤不接受来自任何机构的申请. Grades, earned at other universities are not transferred to Tech.

There are three important exceptions:

However, be aware that, even if we accept all your credits, you may still have many 满足你特定学位的要求. It is important to communicate with 你的指导老师和学术顾问保证可转换学分的最大数量 to New Mexico Tech. 努力完成你/我们的GDR的大部分,应该是目标 在考虑转到365彩票在线过滤时. Call the registrar or email for specific course questions.

Other Policies

Students who enroll at New Mexico Tech should do so with the realization that they are presumed to be serious in purpose, and they are expected to conduct themselves as good citizens of the college community. An effective guardianship of the health, 必须维护所有学生的安全和福利.